Social Seed Newsletter #3 is online!

Social Seed Newsletter #3 is online!

SOCIAL SEED BEGINS TO BEAR FRUIT The Social Seed project, which started in November 2019, during its various phases built and tested a new methodology to support business creation for people at risk of social exclusion, taking into account the national contexts and opportunities of the project partner countries. In November 2021, progress and main achievements were shared and discussed during dedicated events in the different partner countries. The aim of these events was to present the project’s outcomes with strategic stakeholders,such as NGO workers working on the integration of people at risk of social exclusion, private companies, public organisations and sectors of the country’s Corporate Social Responsibility. The participation of these relevant organisations had a twofold benefit: on the one hand, it allowed to share the innovative products of Social Seed, promoting the…
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“I am not a job seeker, I am a job-creator”: the innovative social seed methodological guide to design a social incubator for groups at risk of exclusion.

“I am not a job seeker, I am a job-creator”: the innovative social seed methodological guide to design a social incubator for groups at risk of exclusion.

press releases
The Social SEED partnership is glad to announce the conclusion of the first phase of the project, during which a methodological guide to design a social incubator for people at risk of exclusion has been produced as first output. With the support of private companies, the project proposes an innovative approach to social incubators, creating a bond of interconnection between the world of business and socially disadvantaged groups. Entrepreneurship is thus the key, the opportunity to transform radically one's own path. As expressed by economist Muhammad Yunus and cited in our title People should wake up and say “I am not a job seeker, I am a job-creator”. In order to achieve this intellectual output, specific activities of theorical and empirical research has been carried out, in order to detect…
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Methodological guide for social incubators: the first project output is online

Methodological guide for social incubators: the first project output is online

Introduction: The overall objective of the Social SEED project is the design and validation of a new social incubator for people at risk of social and economic exclusion. In order to achieve its goals, the strategic partnership will carry out different phases, also called Intellectual Outputs. Throughout the project, the strategic partnership will design a methodology guide, create and adapt the course contents to the identified needs, validate the developed concepts throughout a pilot incubator and implement a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to present the SOCIAL SEED methodology, course and reports. Following the previous structure and with the aim of fulfil the requirements established in the project proposal, this document corresponds to the outcomes and finding of Intellectual Output 1, the design of a methodological incubation guide for…
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First partner meeting in Valencia

First partner meeting in Valencia

meetings and events
The 1st partnership meeting was held in Valencia (Spain), on the 9th and 10th of December 2019. The meeting was an opportunity for project partners to get to know each other, learn more about the respective national contexts and agree on the upcoming tasks foreseen by the work plan.
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